That is obvious, many rich people can pass the online business. Evidence of most of the talking. For example, there are rich because it can sell souvenirs in the form of a glass mug through the website (such as, or rental of goods such as business, or could be a millionaire because it provides such advertising slot, and many more that can not be mentioned one by one. You can be rich thanks to Google / Yahoo brings a lot of customers who purchase or lease of goods or sites your search has brought many business partners who want to work together and become a reseller for the products you sell.
Remember, browse the first position when anyone connected to the internet, second and third busiest activity is to write online and searching this and that. With the fact 87% more Internet users and corporate individuals using search engines to find various useful information, including buying and renting of goods or find business partners in foreign countries and, very big opportunity to get rich.
That is why any of the products you sell or lease or any information that you provide and display in front of the market and sit on the first page of search results on search engines has a great opportunity to see and become your customer. That is an opportunity for you to be rich.
To get results like that, you have to make the product you are selling "easy" to search the site search. Agara easy to find, then:
Your product should be ranked in the top 10 or first page of search results in Google / Yahoo
To get the customer "and potential hot" You must know what they think of when looking for your product. (Quoted from the book Googlepreneur, Rich Through Google, the work of Julius B. Onggo)
Tags: googlepreneur, rich, online, opportunity, site search
Google Philosophy
Want to know the origin of the name Google? The name Google uses two-letter "o". Its unique search results if the data is found, then the amount of the letter "o" will appear more and more, of the web found by search engines. The name "Google" itself comes from a play on the word "googol" which is used by Milton Sirotta, nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner (USA) to mention the number 1 and has 100 zeros behind it. Company Google uses this word to describe the company's mission to organize so much information available on the internet and the world.
"Googol" is a word that shows a number of very large numbers. The number exceeds the number of billion or trillion. And in this universe no matter the amount to googol's. Not the stars, not the star, not the dust particles, and nor is the atom. Therefore, the use of the word "google" is a reflection of the word "googol." With that said Google tried to reflect itself as a company that has a mission of managing a very broad and not limited. And that is only available in the cyber world, a place full of unlimited information. Google is the king of search engines. It now serves hundreds of millions of searches a day. No wonder when is the word "Google" became a verb in many languages in the world.
Google is a remarkable phenomenon in the world of internet business. Although the service is rendered as a machine pencarinya provided free of charge, income from the ads Google is amazing. In the new age of 8 years the company has cash of 8 billion dollars, and its market capitalization of more than 100 billion dollars. Arguably, Google is more rich than most small countries.
(Quoted from the book "The secret of what the Google, You Google It!", The paper Heru Granito)
Around the year 2001, the Google search engine grew larger. This success is based on the basic concept of link popularity and PageRank. Each page is sorted based on how many sites are linked, from a premise that the site would want more connected than others. Site rankings (The PageRank) of a link page and the number of links from these pages is an input for the respective sites Ranking. It is possible for Google to sort the results based on how many web pages that lead to the discovery site. User interface of Google is preferred by consumers, and it grew to its competitors.
Researchers at NEC Research Institute claim to have Improved upon Google's patented PageRank technology by Using web crawlers to find "communities" of websites. Instead of ranking pages, this technology uses an algorithm That follows links on a webpage to find other Pages that link back to the first one and so on from page to page. The algorithm "remembers" where it has been and Indexes the number of cross-links and relates these into groupings. In this way virtual communities of webpages are found.
What the Google Secret Book
I just read the book "Secrets of horror Google" post Heru Granito, where in the book is told about what was behind the founding of Google and the secret behind the success of the two young founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Both these young men in the list of richest people in America. The new age of their 30-s years, but his fortune to billions of dollars, it's all thanks to their carefulness saw a business opportunity information via internet search engines. Of course, Larry and Sergey did not initially suspect that Google will never as successful as it is today. Funny, Larry and Sergey as co-student status is a doctoral studies program in 1998, studied at the work space 360 W. Lakeside Room Gates Computer Science Department, Stanford University. This column holds the name of a grant-giving donors' contributions to building ": Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. And now they are threatening Bill Gates.
Proverb says: the sky above the sky is still there. Microsoft has made Internet centuries of stagnation time. Power began to be threatened. Who expect a company that Microsoft is threatening the powerfulness of Google, a company that is not yet ten years old and was established on 7 September 1998 by two young children in mathematics and computer whiz: Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Larry Page
Lawrence Edward "Larry" Page Born: March 26, 1973,
Lansing, Michigan Occupation: Founder and President of Google Inc. Products Division. Annual salary: U.S. $ 35,045 (2005) [1] Net: U.S. $ 12.8 billion (2006)
Early life and education
Page is a graduate of East Lansing High School. Page earned his Bachelor of Science in computer engineering from the University of Michigan graduate with honors and a Master of Standford University.
While being a student in the Ph.D. program Stanford University computer science, Page met Sergey Brin. Together they run the search engine Google, which began operating in 1998. Google is based on patented PageRank technology, which is based on the structure of the link - a link between a web site to rank a particular site. Page was still on leave from the Ph.D. program
While at university, he makes of inkjet printers pieces Lego blocks.
Page Larry Google as president with Brin until 2001, when they hired Eric Schmidt to be chairman and CEO of Google. Page now runs Google as a triumvirate along with Brin and Schmidt. According to Forbes, Page has a net worth estimated at U.S. $ 12.8 billion, making it the number 27 richest in the world (one place behind the other founders of Google, Sergey Brin). In September 2005 he and other founders of Google, Sergey Brin, bought a very large airliner, a Boeing 767, for their personal use.
1. ^ Page payments received from Google in 2005: $ 1 (wages), $ 1,630 (bonus), $ 33,411 (other annual payments), $ 3 (other payments). Source: United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Google form 14A. March 31, 2006.
How to Install Wordpress Script on Your Own Domain?
You want to have a blog with his own name or the domain name is your own choice? For example Namaanda.Com etc, the choice of course you have to buy the domain name, I recommend you buy a domain name and hosting rent in RumahWeb.Com because the professional services, available online and chat service is always quick to respond to customer complaints. Choose a domain packages which have at least one database because the database is essential for the installation of wordpress.
Then download the script first wordpress at:
The following steps wordpress installation script:
First loginlah prior to your cpanel web hosting, after the entrance to the home page, select the menu phpMyAdmin .
Create a new database. To create a new database, enter the name of the database in the Create New Database field, for example, we use the name of the database dataku. Then click the Create button
Then create a database user name and password associated with the database MySQL Database dataku on the menu .
After creating a database tentukanlah where you will put all the script files to your blog, whether directly on the primary domain (public html folder) or are on a subdomain (eg folder public_html / folderwebsite) back to home and go to the File Manager menu and then upload a zip file that you downloaded, then ekstraklah file (click the name of the zip file and click extract menu options that are available in your CPanel) so you already have a script file on your domain, you try to access your web browser by typing the URL address: or when you put it on a subdomain then write the address of a subdomain, for example, But the evidence will show that the script we will use wordpress not installed. It will look post: There does not seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this BEFORE we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this does not work for all server setups. The safest way is to automate its manual create the file.
Click on the link text create a wp-config.php file through a web interface to start the installation.
On the next display, click on the link text let's go!
The contents of the column in accordance with the existing data, then click the SUBMIT button
Database Name: dataku (the name of the database that was previously created via PHPMyAdmin)
Username: (fill in the name of the user database that can access the database.)
Password: (the database user password to access the database dataku
Database Host: localhost (is where the database is stored, does not need to be replaced.)
Table Prefix: wp_ (first name who is to be given to the database table name, this should be changed when more than one script to install wordpress on the same database. (Do not need to be changed)
Then it will appear like the picture below, then click the link text run the install!
>">The first step will appear as the image installation process, click on the text link First Step>>
>">Fill in the fields for Title and email the website administrator / blogWeblog Title: the title or titles from your website / blog you are, generally appear at the top right of the browser when the website opened
Your E-mail: Your email will be used as a website administrator email
>">After the data filled in click on the Continue to Second Step>>
>">Congratulations! You have completed the installation site.
At this step will appear below this message stating that the installation process is complete.
Now you can log in with the username "admin" and password "3e7f1d". That must be considered in this process is a username and password that appears (you should not forget to specify).
It means to access the website as an administrator, Username is: admin and Password eg: 3e7f1d (can be changed after entry to the site admin).
Click on the link text log in to sign a blog administrator.
The next step is entering the Administration website, enter your username and password that has been recorded in the previous step.
Installation steps have been finished. Go to your website by website at the address bar of your browser, it will show a display example of the news blog with a title "Hello World", which means you have successfully install wordpress on your computer.
Tags: wordpress install script as a Calculator
In addition can be used to find information, data, and pictures apparently Google can also be used to perform calculations or a simple calculation you know .. At least at the time online and are dealing with these search engines you do not have to spend a calculator
1.Calculate numbers:
for example you want to add up the number 202 and 310 you can type in the Google 202 +310 then press Enter or Search. Or you could also use words instead of plus sign + is written such as the 202 plus 310 and then press Enter. You can also add up some numbers as well as written for example in Google as follows: 202 +40 +310 and then press Enter. After that you will see Google display the results of calculations
2.Minus numbers:
for example you want to reduce the numbers 310 and 220 you can type in Google 310-220 and then press Enter or Search. Or you could also use words instead of minus sign "-" for example, is written as 310 minus 220 and then press Enter. You also can reduce the number of such figures as well as written on Google as follows: 310-220-10 and then press Enter.
3.Doing multiplication:
for you can use a multiplication sign asterix (*) for example by multiplying the number of 20 and 30 is written as 20 * 30 then press Enter. Multiplying the result will appear after it. * Sign can be replaced with the times so it can be written to 20 times 30.
4.Doing distribution:
for the distribution you can use a slash mark (/) such as the distribution of numbers 60 to 20 60/20 after it was written as press Enter. Revenue sharing will appear after it. Mark / can be replaced with the words divided by so that it can be written to 60 divided by 20.
5.Doing percentage:
for example you want to calculate the percentage of 15% from 2.5 million will be written to 15% of 2.5 million in Google and then press Enter.
6.Doing combined calculation:
the calculation of some sort at the top you can do some combination of operator time, for example, the sum of 50 and 10 multiplied by two can you write on the Google search field (50 +10) times 2 and hit Enter and see the results .. !
Good playing with the Google calculator ....