Entrepreneur: Creativity Never Stop

If you dare showing different, it means you have an entrepreneurial spirit .

QUOTATION above, it is possible, inviting smile of understatement. Period, a different course, to be a feature of life entrepreneurs. The sentence was excessive. Readers, the entrepreneur himself is a unique world. That is why the entrepreneur or the entrepreneur is required to always be creative all the time. With creativity, not impossible to prove that he really has a stunning image of independence that many people. Therefore, he is admirable and subsequently followed.

Being a creative entrepreneur in the current economic crisis, of course, very serious challenge. Anyone who tried to jump into the creative entrepreneur, he had to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This still must be running at least for a period of approximately two years first. A new round of heavy fighting endlessly with various physical and psychological pressure.

Modern business? Moreover! He may say, impossible to exist and thrive without the ability to create something new each day. Think creatively every day. Where did he come? From anywhere, from anyone. Your social interactions, become stimulant emergence of innovative ideas. Indeed, not easy to bear something completely original or new. It might, he is a combination of "new touch" in the works that already exist. The impression, accentuating the design, modification, is part of the creative process.

Who owns this capability? Is it only certain privately owned? Decisive, we say: no. In essence, we are all creative. Of course, with the quality and quantity vary.

Creative ability is distributed almost universally to all people on this earth. Creativity, like a spring, do not let the source dries up. In order to remain runny, continue to dig, so that "creativity springs" we still watery.
Raudsepp, researchers from Princeton Research Inc..
Creativity: The requirement in Entrepreneurship

Do not stick just to see glittering change! You, one of the few people who could bring something new! Think of this as a habit. Since you live in a century of creativity. Creative is the key to winning the competition. There are many concepts of creativity. One of these, take inspiration from the world of music, exactly, jazz music. In jazz, there is a term hour session, when musicians do not play certain songs, but his instrument without bound steady chord songs, free-flowing course. Jamming, John Kao poured inspired his theory in books that have circulated in the Indonesian language, "Jamming: The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity."

If the jamming could tickle ears with beautiful music, any business, is very likely to take alternative steps outside the normal force. The result, like jamming in jazz, remains "rhythmic and pleasant." That analogy theory of Kao in the business world.

Jamming in the business, is a creative effort. There is imagination, creativity totality, absorbing-fluorescent glow inspiration from everywhere. From there create creative ideas in business development. Who 'sparring partner' of an entrepreneur in exploit their creative ideas? He could be a fellow entrepreneur, even though there's nothing wrong with other people who are very different from the world of work (not an entrepreneur).

Work "completely routine", "obedient grip", the highest decision making level, especially as the central business attitude towards reality, believed to be a dangerous attitude for business continuity. Routine, standard-grip, became shackles for advancement. However, make no mistake interpret. Management creativity, not the "anti-rules". Certain rules, should still exist, but its existence is not the creativity. There are "extreme" in the case of this renewal. For example, computer hardware manufacturer of the worldwide, Intell. Intell, periodically they are always destroying old products after manufacture of new product team creativity results. Similar measures, though "by chance" experienced companies. As soon as new products emerge, old product of Unilever "automatic" defeated its own new product.

If there are examples Intell and Unilever in this section, two of the big corporate world, true creativity is not a large corporate monopolies. In the small business sector too, creative ideas emerge from the contemplation and conversation about things that had never occurred. Precisely in kecillah effort, creativity should be developed, because it is usually small businesses, have had little human resources. This point is so small businesses are relatively more compact its people, so that the transfer of new creativity can quickly flatten. In small-scale business creativity shorter track transfers. An innovator in the short tempo he can just transfer the new finding to all persons who work with him. Not impossible, the process of transferring the new findings, as well as can trigger the growth of creativity.

Responding flexibly Opportunities

If you fall into class of people who always wanted to know, then be able to see an event and experience to serve as an opportunity, where others do not see it, then have the courage to think creative and innovative, be prepared you to become an entrepreneur.
Many examples can be given to show us, that nothing that is not possible entrepreneurs. Remove any idea or your idea, do not be afraid slighted or insulted people. 'Crazy idea' which you submit, may be a time to invite the admiration of many people. Once you begin to reap success, only then people will be humming, "Why is it not occurred to me long ago, huh?"

If you dare to be different, it means you are minded entrepreneurs. I accept the opinion that said the success of entrepreneurs like the patience and peace of mine to pursue an acrobatic actor thin to get to destination. He does not spend his time with feelings of worry, but the concentration is fixed on the goal. No less important, not ashamed of the mistakes that we made. An entrepreneur does not like mistakes, but he still will accept it as long as it can provide valuable lessons. He must be able to get away from situations that almost impossible to overcome. In the current global era, the business that we run almost 90% is not exactly as planned.

Therefore, we must be flexible with the plan we have created. Be prepared to move from one plan to other plans. An entrepreneur should not be too easy to despair. He must be confident with his creativity. There is always a way never imagined before.

Creative Process entrepreneurship
We dared to think creatively.
That means we have dare to take risks

ONE OF our duty as entrepreneurs, in addition to interpersonal skills, leadership, and managerial, should also be able to do creative tasks. Kreativitaslah, important elements exist and the development of a business. for entrepreneurs, as if no day without creativity. Time for us to continue to be creative. Especially, if in the previous section, often referred to extraordinary rates of growth of entrepreneurship in the United States, in Indonesia itself, the diversity of businesses as well as the number wirausahawannya, yet as much as in the United States or other countries.

In the United States for example, there are businesses that are still scarce and not yet popular on Indonesia, namely leasing business clothes and baby gear. So actually many kinds of business that we can do, if we want to creatively. In any case, we must be creative? Be creative in some ways, among others, select the business type and choose the time to start.

Therefore, do not hesitate to create conditions that allow each element can be creative. Make every corner, every mood in your business, conducive to the emergence of creative ideas. Creativity itself, it requires a process, namely the creative process. So initially, it is necessary preparation for the creative, albeit informal. Live, how do we own a working atmosphere is creative.
In the process, it also takes creative turns out our concentration. In fact, that often happens, when we do the concentration, even at a stalemate. Consequently, we can not do anything about it, and gradually became frustrated. And, really frustrating, is part of the creative process itself.
In this condition, in my opinion, we should not give up or despair. Do not stop there. Rest assured, in time, insight or illumination will appear. Then, we go through the creative process next: the incubation or settling into the subconscious. At the time, namely on the condition that was not intentional, could have emerged of illumination that means we have discovered a creative idea.

Important step in this process or run a creative idea into concrete terms, for the progress of our business. Even in our opinion, for the sake of customer satisfaction too, need a creative approach. Creative, also look for keywords in the affairs of the capital or fund business development, increased production, improved design, marketing, and so forth.

Creative people, are those who dare to take risks. Just live how much actual quality of creativity that will affect business risk you run. In fact, anyone who dared think creatively, meaning he had dared to take risks. We also believe, only the entrepreneurs who dare to take risks is what business can progress forward, both for current and for the future.


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